HFO Programs
“HUDSON In CONCERT”: A Community Celebration
“HUDSON In CONCERT”: A Community Celebration is HFO’s primary orchestral event. This annual concert for full orchestra on the waterfront is performed by the 55 member Hudson Festival Orchestra, with guest artists, and student participants in the mentoring program “Take a Seat...in the Orchestra.” In fulfillment of our mission, this musical event engages the participation of many elements of the community, bringing diverse area residents together to celebrate our shared American and diverse cultural heritages.
Holiday Sing at Winter Walk
Holiday Sing at Winter Walk takes place in early December. Led by The Hudson Festival Brass Quartet, the community is invited to spontaneously sing Holiday Songs including Christmas Carols as well as Chanukah and Kwanzaa Songs.
Chamber Ensemble Performances
Chamber Ensemble Performances by members of the HFO and guest ensembles, in the Fall and Spring, celebrate a wide range of multi-cultural music, and help us raise funds to carry out our overall programming.
Hudson Virtual Vibes is a program of the Hudson Festival Orchestra (HFO) creating virtual instrumental and choral performances by area students, community members, musicians and guest artists of the HFO. These performances will be available on our YouTube channel and HFO website.
The first project of HVV, in collaboration with the Hudson City School District (HCSD) was “Three Little Birds” by Bob Marley. Many thanks to Scott Vorwald and Jerry Cordato, music teachers in the Hudson City School District, and to all the participants for their hard work in producing this video. Click on the image to view “Three Little Birds.”
“TAKE A SEAT...” Mentoring Program
“Take a Seat...in the Orchestra” is a mentoring program for serious-minded music students to intern and perform with members of the Hudson Festival Orchestra. Each student is assigned a mentor with whom the student rehearses and performs in various situations. Students have the opportunity to interview their mentors and learn what it is like to be a professional musician. Tuition is free.
Drawing by Keith Bendis