Q&A With Artistic Director Gwen Gould

Gwen Gould is the founder, artistic director, and conductor of the Hudson Festival Orchestra. Music has been part of her life since she began her career as an organist as a teenager in Dutchess County. Locally, she is well known to music lovers as founder of Columbia Festival Orchestra (1988), Hudson Chamber Opera (2004), Claverack Landing chamber series (2010), co-director of Classics on Hudson (2014), and creator of a youth mentorship program, “Take a Seat… in the Orchestra” (2008). 

Q. What is the Hudson Festival Orchestra (HFO)?

A. The HFO is the result of a vision of some friends and myself to bring our community together through enjoyment of live music that can engage all of us. The HFO will be comprised of area professional musicians, will feature special guest artists, and engage local students and community groups.  The HFO exists to put on one big show a year to take place in Henry Hudson Riverfront Park in Hudson, NY.

Q. You used the word “orchestra” to describe your organization. Will the HFO be a full orchestra?

A. Yes. We will have a full, 55-piece orchestra with strings, winds, brass, and percussion. 

Q. What is your role?

A. I am the artistic director and will conduct the orchestra. 

Q. HFO’s mission statement says it will “bring our community together through live musical celebration of our shared American and diverse cultural heritages.” What does this mean?

A. We want to celebrate our community through the music of the vibrant cultures represented here. This is a challenge orchestrally, which may require the creation of arrangements for orchestra of some musical idioms that are normally performed with a smaller ensemble. I am seeking input from all segments of the community as we plan the program. Also, the fact that this will be a free concert will make it accessible to a larger community. 

Q. Can you provide an example of the kind of music you might play?

A. We have been exploring the cultural elements in our community. The program is still a work in progress, but will endeavor to include such cultural favorites as Cuban danzon, Argentine tango, Eastern European Klezmer, Bangladeshi, Yemeni and Arabic music, African-American spirituals, jazz, blues, gospel, good old American hoe-down & barn dance, and more. I am keen on the idea of choosing meaningful pieces from many cultures as well as those American favorites that are fun to play and crowd pleasers. 

Q. Why hold the concert on the city’s waterfront?

A. Hudson’s heritage and history are vitally connected to the Hudson River, so it was an obvious choice. We also want to celebrate this extraordinary natural resource between the Catskills and the Berkshires, and encourage people to enjoy it in every way they can. Hence, we think it’s a perfect place for an outdoor musical event.

Q. Will the HFO be doing other performances during the year?

A. This being our first year, we will focus on putting on a great concert on the waterfront. Our hope is for the concert to become an annual event, perhaps with smaller-scale concerts at other venues during the year. 

Q. This seems like a big undertaking. Why did you take it on?

A. The timing seems right. We have an impressive board and group of volunteers who are dedicated to this vision and are working hard to make it happen. Also, having had the experience of presenting outdoor concerts of American music with the Columbia Festival Orchestra, I feel confident that this kind of program will be a lot of fun and draw our community together. Finally, the Henry Hudson Waterfront Park is a beautiful community gathering place that is under-utilized, and we would like to introduce more of the community to this resource. 

Q. A free, full-orchestra concert seems like an expensive event to stage. How is it being funded?

A. We are seeking donations from music lovers in the community who share our enthusiasm for making this
idea come to life. The HFO is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the
full extent of the law. We’re grateful for any support – big or small. Please visit https://www.hudsonfestivalorchestra.org/support to get more information, and to find out how to make a donation.