Phil Roebuck

Multi-Instrumentalist, Songwriter & Composer

“Rhythm, or in another word: vibration, is literally everything, the source of every word in every language and every note in every strain of music — this 'science of sound' is my passion.

I have found nothing as thrilling as the hidden frontier of rhythm, especially the metrics and prosody of ancient Sanskrit texts. The treasures I find there on a daily basis are nothing short of life-changing — a wellspring of literal and musical miracles.

These choir compositions mark the beginning of a new education for me — learning how to share these discoveries in a way that communicates the beauty of this sacred poetry without crowding it with interpolated musical sensibilities or obscuring it with too heavy of an artistic hand."

Phillip Roebuck is a singer, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, composer, and a dead language enthusiast, particularly Sanskrit, Pāli, Greek, and Latin. As a recording artist, he has made over a dozen albums, including five solo releases, and his songs appear on numerous film and television soundtracks. His other love is the theater, where he frequently works as both a composer and a performer.